You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > General Application User Interface and Dialog Boxes > Connect to Device
Health Column Connection Status Host Version Locate IP Address Display Name Connect Rollback Firmware Get Required Software Software Version Search for a device by IP Address

User Interface Reference

Connect to Device

How to Access
  • In the Device section on the application toolbar, click Connect: Application Toolbar - Connect

Displays all detected HAL devices on the network. Provides a place to connect to a HAL as well as view each HAL device's operating and connection status, synchronize the firmware with the software (they must be the same version), place a HAL device in Locate mode, and view a HAL's IP address.

User Interface Elements

Connect To Device

UI Element Purpose
Operating status (icon on far left) Indicates the current operating status of the device. A green icon indicates everything is A-OK, a yellow icon indicates something is amiss but can probably be fixed by tweaking something in the Halogen software (for example, a device mismatch), and a red icon indicates a more serious problem that may or may not require a call to Rane Tech Support. For more details, see Viewing and Interpreting Current Error and Warning States.
Display Name and IP Address

Displays the HAL device display name (which is editable) as well as the device's IP address. To see the IP address, click the arrow next to the device name.

Locate Clicking this button places the HAL device in Locate mode.
Connection Status Indicates if the HAL device is available or if it is currently in use. If it is in use, a lock icon appears and the Operations buttons are grayed out. If the firmware and software are out of sync, the appropriate message is displayed here.
Operations Displays three command buttons: one for connecting to the device, the other for synchronizing the software and firmware (by updating the software, updating the firmware, or rolling back the firmware—whichever option is appropriate for the situation), and the third for downloading the configuration without disrupting audio. If the software and firmware are the same version, this second button provides the option to reboot the HAL, should you need to do that.
Search for a device by IP Address Allows you to search for a HAL device by its IP address. Try this search if the HAL device you want is not listed in the area above or if you are using static IP addresses or DHCP. Type the IP address and then click Search.
Troubleshoot Opens a dialog that allows you to troubleshoot HAL connection issues. See Troubleshoot HAL Connectivity.
Restore Opens a dialog that allows you to reset a HAL device to factory defaults. If for some reason you are unable to connect to your HAL or apply configurations, restoring the HAL to its original factory settings could fix the problem. See Restore HAL to Factory Defaults.