You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > General Application User Interface and Dialog Boxes > HAL Model Picker

User Interface Reference

HAL Model Picker

How to Access
  • In the Halogen application toolbar, click New: EXP Model Picker Access

Choose a HAL model and start a new offline configuration. The Model Picker provides images and descriptions of each model available, so it is a good method to use if you are unsure of the details of each HAL model.

User Interface Elements

EXP Model Picker

UI Element Purpose
Model list

Displays a list of all available models, also listing the inputs, outputs, ports and/or controls available on the device. To view details of a specific device, hover your cursor over it. To select a device for the corresponding port, simply click it.

Image and information below

An image of the highlighted device, along with a detailed description.

Show discontinued devices when creating configurations checkbox When unchecked, the model list shows only HALs currently in production. If you check the box, the list also includes discontinued HAL models. For more information see Discontinued HAL Models.