You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > General Application User Interface and Dialog Boxes > Starter Configurations

User Interface Reference

Starter Configurations

How to Access
  • In the Halogen application toolbar, click on the drop down arrow next to the Help button, then select Browse Starter Configurations: EXP Model Picker Access

Choose an example configuration and start a new offline configuration. The Starter Configuration dialog provides images and descriptions of each starter configuration available. Each starter configuration is a template that gets you started in developing a configuration for a particular audio application.

User Interface Elements

EXP Model Picker

UI Element Purpose
Configuration list

Displays a list of all available starter configurations, also listing the model that the configuration uses. To view details of a specific starter configuration, hover your cursor over it. To select a starter configuration and begin a new configuration using that template, simply click it.

Image and information below

Workspace images of the highlighted starter configuration along with the intended application and description. Hover your cursor over either of the smaller workspace images to view a larger 'popup' image of the workspace.

Don't see what you need? button Clicking this button brings up the technical support page in Halogen Help. Call us for help in creating configurations or to tell us an idea for a future starter configuration that you'd like to see added.