You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > General Application User Interface and Dialog Boxes > Application Settings

User Interface Reference

Application Settings

How to Access

You can configure the application settings in the Application Settings dialog box or in the Application Settings toolbar dropdown. The same settings are available in both places.

  • To open the Application Settings dialog box, click Settings located in the Application section on the far right side of the application toolbar: Application Settings Icon
  • To view the same settings in a dropdown list, click the down arrow next to the Settings toolbar icon: Application Settings Dropdown
User Interface Elements

Application Settings

UI Element (Dialog Box) UI Element (Dropdown) Purpose
New wires are always orthogonal Orthogonal Wires Keep wires either vertical or horizontal when creating new wires or moving blocks. B
Use smooth processing wires on diagonals Smooth Wires Draw wires between nodes or vertices with a slight curve as they connect to nodes on each end.
Highlight Wires connected to selected blocks Highlight Wires Display wires in blue for all selected blocks. This helps viewing of wire connections between blocks on busy processing maps.
Prompt for backups before losing changes Prompt for Backups If selected, Halogen displays a warning message when you attempt to leave a configuration that has not been saved to a file. The warning message gives you three options (save to a file, do not save, cancel request): Backup Prompt
Show notifications when disconnecting from HAL for recompile Prompt on Disconnect

When connected to a HAL, there are certain configuration changes that cannot be implemented without a recompile of HAL's DSP code (for example, wiring changes). When such a change takes place, Halogen disconnects from HAL so that the recompile can occur. If this option is selected, Halogen displays a message notifying the user when it disconnects.

Show new user prompts in Hardware, Processing, and Room Combine workspaces Show New User Prompts

If selected, a variety of tips and help text is displayed in the various workspaces. These tips can be helpful to a new user. The specific text that appears is as follows:

The Hardware Map and Room Combine Processor block display text in its drop locations, helping the new user understand where to drop RADs, DRs, cascaded AM2s, and so on: Help Text

The Processing Workspace displays a suggested work flow on the Processing Map, helping the new user understand where to start in creating their first audio map: New User Help Text

The Room Combine Processor Layout & Control tab also displays a suggested work flow for getting started in the Room Combine workspace: Room Combine Help Prompts

Prompt for starting configuration Prompt for Starting Configuration If selected, Halogen displays the Halogen Startup Panel when the application starts.
Create empty configuration of type: HAL model selector   If selected, Halogen creates a new configuration for the selected HAL model when the application starts.
Check the Rane website on startup and notify of available software updates Check for Updates on Startup If selected, Halogen connects to the Rane website, determines if an update to the Halogen software is available, and, if it is, notifies the user, who can then click a button to automatically download and install the update.
Show discontinued devices when creating configurations Show Discontinued Devices If selected, model picker dialogs include devices that Rane no longer produces.
Show times in 24-hour format Show 24-hour Time Display all clock times in 24 hour format instead of the 12 hour am/pm format.
  Edit Application Settings Opens the Application Settings dialog box