You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > Processing Workspace Interface and Dialog Boxes > Control Palette

User Interface Reference

Control Palette

How to Access
  1. Click the Processing tab to open the Processing Workspace.
  2. On the far left, click the Control tab to open the Control Palette: Hardware Controls Tab

Displays a palette of hardware devices and their controls available for linking to controls in the Processing Map. Always visible on the palette are Logic In and Relay Out controls. Also displayed are any Digital Remotes (DRs) that have been added to the Hardware Map. Because DRs can be connected to RAD ports as well as DR ports, there is a category in the palette for each port type. DR ports are color-coded brown.

  • To configure the controls for a device, click on the device name hyperlink. For more information see Hardware Controls.
  • To link a control in the palette to a control in the Processing Map, click and drag its link icon onto the Processing Map, dropping it onto the link icon of the control to which you are linking the hardware.

tip: If controls are not visible in the palette, expand the port by clicking on the arrow on the left side of the port name.

note: A single control device may contain multiple controls. The individual controls are displayed below the device name.

For more details, see About Control Linking.

User Interface Elements

Hardware Controls Tab

UI Element Purpose
Device Hyperlinks Shows the name of the device. Click on the hyperlink to open the device properties dialog, allowing you to configure the controls, change the display names, see a simulation of the actual device, and more.
Generic HW Control Elements

Each control displays an icon representing its control type. The icons are listed below:

Level Icon—Level

Selector Control Icon—Selector

Toggle Icon—Toggle

Command Icon—Command

Also included is an edit icon that, when clicked, opens an edit box in which you can rename the control: Control Edit Icon

And, finally, and very important, is the link icon: Control Link Icon You use this icon to link a hardware control to a control of the same type in your Processing Map or on the Control palette (by dragging and dropping it onto the link icon of the control link target).

note: If the All Presets dialog box is open, or if the control has been added to a preset, a preset icon appears next to the control's link icon:


Represents a Level control on the associated hardware device. Click the Level hyperlink to open its properties dialog box:

From this dialog you can do the following:

  • Configure the display label (appears on the hardware device) for the control.
  • Adjust the Level value.
  • Link the Level control to a Level control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Link the device's Enable control to a Toggle control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Manually enable or disable the control.

Represents a Toggle control on the associated hardware device. Click the Toggle hyperlink to open its properties dialog box:

From this dialog you can do the following:

  • Configure the display label (appears on the hardware device) for the control.
  • Activate or deactivate the Toggle.
  • Link the Toggle control to a Toggle control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Link the device's Enable control to a Toggle control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Manually enable or disable the control.

note: These options are available on a DR Toggle control only. A subset of these options are available on a Logic In/Relay Out Toggle control.


Represents a Command control on the associated hardware device. Click the Command hyperlink to open its properties dialog box:

From this dialog you can do the following:

  • Configure the display label (appears on the hardware device) for the control.
  • Assert the Command.
  • Link the Command control to a Command control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Link the device's Enable control to a Toggle control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Manually enable or disable the control.

note: These options are available on a DR Command control only. A subset of these options are available on a Logic In Command control.


Represents a Selector control on the associated hardware device. Click the Selector hyperlink to open its properties dialog box:

From this dialog you can do the following:

  • Configure the display labels for the header as well as the individual selection items that appear on the hardware device's LCD screen.
  • note: Selection items appear only if the control is linked to another Selector control (such as a Selector processing block, a Selector preset, and so on.

  • Select one of the items in the selection list.
  • Link the Selector control to a Selector control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Link the device's Enable control to a Toggle control on the Processing Map or on the Control palette.
  • Manually enable or disable the control.

note: These options are available on a DR Selector control only. A subset of these options are available on a Logic In/Relay Out Selector control.

Arrows You can expand or collapse a category by clicking the small arrow to the left of the category name.
'+' Button

Click this Button to show all items in the palette.

'-' Button Click this button to hide all items in the palette.
Context Menu

Right-click on the palette and in the context menu that displays an option to Show All and Hide All are available.

Invoking the Hide All or Show All option from an individual device or port group's context menu will perform the hide/show operation for that item only.

Port Numbers Inside the colored area for each DR is a number that corresponds to the RAD/DR port on the Hardware Map.