You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > Processing Workspace Interface and Dialog Boxes > Resource Usage

User Interface Reference

Resource Usage Dialog Box

How to Access
  1. Click the Processing tab to open the Processing Workspace.
  2. On the Processing Workspace Toolbar, click Resources: Resources Option on Processing Toolbar

Shows the system resources (DSP, Memory, Delay, Room Processors, Expansion Bus, RAD & DR devices) used by the current configuration. The resource usage is available when designing offline, thus it is a valuable tool for determining system efficiency before you install a single piece of hardware.

If you exceed any of the resource limits, the following three things occur:

  • The bar in the Resources dialog box turns red: Resource Usage-Over the Limit
  • The Resources toolbar icon turns red: Resources Icon Showing Limit Reached
  • In the case of overages for DSP, Memory, Delay, Room Processors, or the Expansion Bus, Halogen does not allow you to apply the configuration to a HAL.

note: By its very nature, the HAL System is extremely efficient. To outgrow its capabilities would require designing an exceptionally large audio system.

User Interface Elements

Below are images of the Resource Usage dialog boxes of the different HAL models (HAL1x, HAL1, and HAL2/HAL3/HAL3s/HAL4). The table below lists all the Resource Usage elements you may encounter and provides a definition of each.

Resource Usage

UI Element Purpose
DSP Displays the DSP resources (from 0% to 100%) required for the current configuration.
Memory Displays the HAL memory (from 0% to 100%) required for the current configuration.

Displays the amount of system Delay (from 0% to 100%) required for the current configuration. Use of the three system Delay blocks (Simple Delay, Distance Delay, and Video Delay) that affect this resource.

The maximum total delay allowed for the whole system depends on the HAL model.

Maximum System Delay
HAL Model Delay in Seconds
HAL1, HAL1x 80
HAL2 40
HAL3, HAL3s 20
HAL4 20

You can calculate the total delay for a Delay block by multiplying the block's Max Delay value by the number of channels going through the block.

warning! A single delay block cannot exceed 20 seconds, even if the total delay for the entire system is less than 100%. If a single delay block exceeds 20 seconds, the Delay Used resource bar turns red.

note: A HAL4 is limited to eight total channels of delay.

Room Processors

Displays the total number of Room Processors in use across all Room Combine blocks in the current configuration. If the maximum of 150 Room Processors is exceeded the configuration cannot be applied to a HAL.

note: As base rooms and walls are arranged in the Room Combine property dialog, a unique Room Processor is created for each base room combination (For example a room processor could be created for room combination A, B, C, A+B, B+C, and A+B+C). The total number of Room Processors in the configuration is calculated by adding together the Room Processors assigned to each Room Combine block in the configuration. To prevent the creation of an excessive amount of Room Processors in the configuration, additional walls and base rooms cannot be added to any Room Combine blocks once the total number of Room Processors in the configuration exceeds 100. Depending on the layout of rooms and walls in a Room Combine block adding an additional wall could result in the addition of anywhere from a couple of new Room Processors to well over 100. In the off chance the addition of a wall to a room combine layout is permitted but takes the total number of room processors above 150 the configuration can no longer be applied to a HAL.

Expansion Bus: Units

(HAL1 and HAL1x only)

Displays the number of Expansion devices used in the current configuration. The maximum allowed depends on the HAL model. HAL1 cannot exceed 4 EXP devices. The HAL1x cannot exceed 32 EXP devices.
Expansion Bus: Downstream Channels

(HAL1x only)

Displays the number of Expansion Bus Downstream channels used in the current configuration. A maximum of 512 are available. For more details on the Expansion Bus, see Overview of HAL1x Expansion Units.
Expansion Bus: Upstream Channels

(HAL1x only)

Displays the number of Expansion Bus Upstream channels used in the current configuration. A maximum of 512 are available. For more details on the Expansion Bus, see Overview of HAL1x Expansion Units.
Expansion Bus: Output Channels

(HAL1 only)

Displays the number of Expansion Bus output channels used in the current configuration. A maximum of 32 are available. For more details on the Expansion Bus, see Overview of HAL1 Expansion Unit.
Device Resources Exceeded Displays a list of devices that exceed the device capabilities as currently configured. The configuration can still be applied to a HAL when in this state but the listed device(s) will not be functional for the user.