You are here: Managing the HAL System > Managing the HAL Device > Viewing the Operating Status of a Hardware Device

Viewing the Operating Status of a Hardware Device

You can view the current operating status of a HAL device, a RAD, a DR, or an Expansion Unit.

To view the operating status of a HAL device:
  • If you are currently offline, click Connect on the application toolbar. The Connect to Device dialog box displays. Listed on this dialog box are all the HAL devices currently detected on the network. The operating status of each device is displayed in the far left column. Mouse over each icon to see a description. This dialog box also displays the Connection Status for each device.
  • If you are currently online, double-click the HAL device header in the Hardware Map to open the HAL Properties dialog box. The device status is displayed near the top of the dialog box.
To view the operating status of a RAD, DR, or EXP:
  1. Connect to the HAL device to which the RAD, DR, or EXP is connected.
  2. Click the Hardware tab to open the Hardware Workspace.

  3. For an EXP device, right-click on the EXP in question in the EXP Navigation Panel.
  4. For and RAD or DR, right-click on the RAD or DR in the Hardware Map.
  5. From the context menu that displays, select View Device Properties.
Status icons and what they mean:
Icon Meaning Possible Causes


Status OK icon

Device is functioning properly You're a genius! You configured everything correctly.


Status Mismatch

A problem exists that you can use Halogen to fix.
  • There is a mismatch between one or more hardware devices and the current configuration on the HAL. To fix the problem, you can either use Halogen to swap devices so that they match, or you can connect the physical devices to their configured ports. We recommend using the software to swap devices as it is the simplest solution.
  • For additional help, see Resolving Device Mismatch, Missing or Unexpected


Red Status Message

A problem exists that is unlikely to be fixable within the Halogen software.
  • There is a problem with the hardware. Check your hardware connections, as appropriate. If no solution is found, contact Rane Tech Support.
  • The configuration is corrupt. Load a new configuration into the HAL device.