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Discontinued HAL Models

This section describes HAL models that are no longer in production. For the most current list of HAL models, see the Rane website. Data Sheets for discontinued models may also be downloaded from the Rane website.

The following devices are no longer available: HAL1, EXP1, and HAL3.

While Rane no longer produces the HAL3, Halogen software continues to provide support for this product, allowing customers to:

To build a new HAL configuration with a discontinued HAL, see Creating Configurations with Discontinued HAL devices below.

note: Halogen no longer supports the HAL1 and EXP1 devices. If you would like to create or update a HAL1 configuration, use Halogen version 4.1.1 or earlier. To run multiple versions of Halogen on your PC, see this blog post on

HAL1 (Replaced by HAL1x)

The HAL1 uses a daisy-chain FireWire expansion bus able to support up to four EXP1 devices with a total of 32 output channels and 64 input channels. The maximum cable length for FireWire is 14.8 feet (4.5 meters).

For more information about the HAL1 FireWire expansion bus and EXP1 expansion unit, see Overview of HAL1 Expansion Unit (Discontinued).

The HAL1x expansion bus uses a proprietary protocol running on a gigabit Ethernet physical layer with expansion devices connected in a daisy-chain configuration as before. The new expansion bus supports 512 output channels and 512 input channels with a maximum cable length of 330 feet (100 meters). There are currently four expansion devices for the HAL1x: EXP1x, EXP3x, EXP5x and EXP7x. The new bus is a significant improvement over the original FireWire bus.

For more information about the HAL1x expansion bus and expansion units, see Overview of HAL1x Expansion Units.

You cannot use the new (x) version expansion devices with the discontinued HAL1. The new HAL1x requires (x) version expansion devices.

The device connections that are possible on a HAL1 are as follows:

  • 4 Remote Audio Devices (RADs)
  • 8 Digital Remotes (DRs)—Can add up to 4 more by plugging them into the RAD ports
  • 1–4 Expansion Unit Devices (EXP1 devices) (FireWire Expansion Bus)
  • 8 Mic/Line Inputs
  • 8 Line Outputs
  • 4 Logic Inputs
  • 2 Relay Outputs
HAL3 (Replaced by HAL3s)

The original HAL3 provides two line/line+ inputs, one RAD port and three DR ports.

The new HAL3s provides two Mic/Line/Line+ inputs with available 48 volt phantom power, two RAD ports and two DR ports. The HAL3s also improves line input dynamic range by about 10 dB. The new features of the HAL3s open up new application spaces for the product, by supporting microphone input, two additional outputs and two additional inputs via the additional RAD port.

The device connections that are possible on a HAL3 are as follows:

  • 1 Remote Audio Device (RAD)
  • 3 Digital Remotes (DRs)—Can add up to 1 more by plugging it into the RAD port
  • 2 Line-Plus Inputs
  • 6 Line Outputs
  • 4 Logic Inputs
Creating Configurations with Discontinued HAL devices

By default, Halogen only shows HALs currently in production in the New configuration drop down list.

Click on Show Discontinued Devices to add discontinued HAL devices to the list as shown below:

If you click on the New menu button, Halogen opens the HAL Model Picker dialog box. To display discontinued models, check the Show discontinued devices when creating configurations checkbox:

note: In Halogen version 5.0.1 and later, you cannot create a new configuration for the unsupported HAL1 device.