You are here: Using External Control Systems with HAL > Integrating AMX Control Systems with HAL

Integrating AMX Control Systems with HAL

This guide describes how to set up an AMX controller and touch panel to communicate with a Halogen/HAL Control Server. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the files found in the AMX Support Package. The contents of this support package include:

The AMX Support Package is installed with the Halogen software and can be accessed from the Windows Start Menu under Halogen -> Guides. If you want to access the files directly they are available on the product DVD or from the Halogen install directory:

You can also download the most up-to-date version of this support package from the Rane website (

note: You do not need to connect your controller to an actual HAL in order to test your control system. A PC running Halogen can simulate all the feedback your controller would get from a HAL running the same configuration.

The HAL system has four types of controls: toggles, commands, levels and selectors. All four are accessible to external TCP/IP clients like an AMX controller. This guide walks you through the code for a TCP/IP client before looking closely at each of the HAL control types one-by-one. We dive into code for these HAL control types by implementing a series of touch panel applications. These applications are:

The guide concludes with a troubleshooting section that covers the most common problems encountered when configuring a target system for the examples.


Getting Started

Configuring IP Addresses

TCP/IP Client




