You are here: Installing a HAL System > Task 5: Install and Connect RADs and DRs

Task 5: Installing and Connecting RADs and DRs

When the shielded CAT 5e cable is in place and the HAL and EXPs (if needed) are installed, connected, and configured, you can begin installing and testing the RADs and DRs. Several installation procedures are described in this section. The first procedure provides the details of installing and testing RADs and DRs in a new HAL System. The remaining procedures explain how to replace a RAD or DR in an existing HAL System.

Before installing the RADs and DRs, you may want to familiarize yourself with their functionality and hardware features. See Overview of Remote Audio Devices and Overview of Digital Remote Devices. Also, if the audio designer did not provide you with labels for the RADs (and if you have not yet generated labels), you may want to print them before beginning the installation process. See Generating Device Labels for details.

note: When installing and testing RADs and DRs in a new HAL System, double-check that the HAL is connected and powered on (and, preferably, configured) before beginning the RAD/DR installation.

note: If you want to use RAD functionality in your audio rack near a HAL or EXP, a nice solution is to install RADs in the rack using special expansion devices. We suggest you take a look at the rack device products by Lowell (specifically the LD9-RMP) or by Radio Design Labs (specifically the RM-D9 rack mount product).

Installing a RAD or DR in a new HAL System:
  1. Confirm that the proper switchbox (one-gang, two-gang, three-gang, or four-gang depending on the model) is installed and that the shielded CAT 5e cable is terminated.
  2. Confirm that you are installing the correct RAD or DR model in each location. The model number appears on the front cover of the device (at the bottom).
  3. note: Labeling the RADs ahead of time provides additional verification that the right RAD is being installed. DR display labels appear dynamically on their LCD screen—when connected to a configured HAL.

  4. Plug the shielded CAT 5e cable into the jack on the back of the RAD or DR.
  5. View the RAD LEDs and DR LCD screens to determine if you installed the correct model and if the device is communicating properly with the HAL or EXP it is connected to. As long as the HAL or EXP is connected and powered on, the RAD LEDs and DR LCD screens should activate as soon as you connect the shielded CAT 5e cable.
  6. RAD LEDs:

    If the RAD is functioning correctly (and the HAL configuration matches the physical RAD), the following LED indicators turn green: Power, Comm, Audio Rx, and Audio Tx. Each of these LEDs corresponds to a twisted pair within the shielded CAT 5e cable, and a green light indicates that the twisted pair has been detected by the HAL and is working properly. See Task 3: Pulling and Terminating shielded CAT 5e Cabling for more details on the functionality of each twisted pair.

    The following bullets list other situations that may arise when installing RADs:

    • If you have connected the RAD and one or more of its LEDs turns solid red or does not light up at all, this indicates a problem. See Troubleshooting RAD Devices.
    • If the LEDs flash red, however, this simply means there is a mismatch between the physical RAD model and the configured RAD model. Determine which model is needed and install it. For details, see Task 7: Verify and Troubleshoot Installation. (If the LEDs flash green, this indicates the RAD has been placed in Locate mode.)
    • If you notice the intensity of these lights varying from time to time, there is no need to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor! Each RAD contains a light sensor that detects the amount of light in the room. As the light in the room gets darker (which can be simulated by passing your hand over the light sensor), the intensity of the LEDs fades. This is to prevent the RADs from glowing brightly in a darkened room. Note that you can set the intensity of these LEDs within Halogen. See the Halogen Help System for details.

    note: The Pager1 RAD has LED indicators as well as an LCD display screen. The LEDs on the back function like any other RAD, except in two situations: If there is a device mismatch, the mismatch message appears on the LCD screen (a flashing exclamation point and the words Configuration Mismatch). When the Pager1 is in Locate mode, a flashing L appears in the upper right corner of the LCD screen and the LCD backlight flashes. If the LCD screen displays Disabled when you turn its selector knob, this indicates that either the Pager1 has not been added to the HAL configuration's processing map or it has been added but does not have any Scenarios assigned to it. If all is A-OK with the Pager1, its status LEDs on the front of the device become active. In most cases when first installing the product, the Ready light will turn green. For more details, see PAGER1 RAD.

    DR LCD Screens:

    When you first connect the DR, its LCD screen illuminates and displays a spinning wheel and the text Connecting... . What you see next depends on what DR model you are connecting (we are assuming you have loaded a configuration):

    • DR1: Level along with a level indicator appears. Turning the knob changes the level indicator.
    • DR2: Depending on the configuration, the DR2 remains blank or displays a list of options. If the DR2 controls are properly linked in the configuration, the DR2 should always display options on its screen. If its controls are not linked, the screen may be blank. If configured as a Selector, either the Selector options appear (if linked) or the screen is blank (not linked). If configured as Toggle or Command controls, the Toggle and/or Command options appear.
    • DR3: The DR3 behaves the same as a DR2, with a few exceptions. The DR3 always displays Level and a level indicator in its level control (unless it is configured as a List of Levels and there are no levels configured). If configured as a List of Levels, the list is displayed (unless no list has been configured).
    • If the DR does not match the model configured on the HAL, a flashing exclamation point appears on the LCD screen along with the words: Configuration Mismatch. For more details, see Task 7: Verify and Troubleshoot Installation.
    • note: If you have not loaded a configuration into HAL, this mismatch behavior is what you will see for each DR you install. Why? The HAL is not expecting a DR on the port because none is configured, therefore it reports a configuration mismatch. As soon as you load your configuration, the message will disappear (as long as the configured model matches the physical model detected).

    • If a P flashes in the upper left corner, this indicates low power, which could be caused by a cable that is too long or crimped incorrectly.
    • If the Connecting ... message and spinning wheel continue indefinitely, there is likely a problem with the twisted pair responsible for data communications between the DR and the HAL.

    note: The intensity of the DR's LCD backlight is configurable in the Halogen Hardware Workspace. Also configurable is the length of time that the screen stays lit. For details, see the DR Properties reference topic in the Halogen Help System.

    HAL LEDs for RADs and DRs:

    Status information for each RAD and DR port on the HAL and EXP is displayed on the front and rear panel of the HAL/EXP. As long as all four indicators on a RAD are green and as long as the DR is displaying the appropriate information on its LCD screen, there is no need to check these LEDs on the HAL or EXP it is connected to. If a RAD indicator is solid red or the DR is reporting a problem, however, view the corresponding indicators on the HAL/EXP to determine if the problem is originating there. Following are descriptions of the indicators on the HAL:


    • The RAD indicators on the rear panel correspond with the indicators on the individual RADs, providing information on the health of the wiring. If a RAD is functioning properly and the HAL is communicating properly with the RAD, all four indicators on the rear panel of the HAL/EXP should be green for each connected RAD.
    • The RAD indicators on the front panel provide information about the actual connection and any activity between each RAD and the HAL/EXP. For each port to which a RAD is connected, the Enabled indicators for each active RAD channel should be yellow. (If the Enabled LEDs are flashing yellow, they indicate the RAD model specified in the HAL configuration does not match the physical RAD model detected on the port.) If audio is flowing through the system, you may see activity on the Signal and/or Overload indicators.


    • The DR indicators on the front panel provide information about the actual connection between each DR and the HAL/EXP. If everything is A-OK, the DR LED should be solid yellow. If the LED is flashing yellow, this indicates a mismatch between the physical DR and the configured DR for this port.
    • The DR indicators on the rear panel provide information about the health of the wiring, indicating if the data communications and power are functioning properly. If solid green, all is well. If one or both LEDs turn red, this typically indicates a problem with that specific twisted pair.
  7. When you are confident that a device is working properly, you can attach it to the switchbox:
    • If installing a RAD, insert its label before attaching it to the switchbox (if it was not already labeled off-site). The RADs are shipped with factory labels inserted. You can use these, but in most cases you will probably want to customize the label. If your audio designer did not provide you with customized labels, you will need to generate them. See "Generating RAD Labels" on page 34 for details. Insert the paper label in the slot behind the Lexan window and trim the excess paper. If you do not need to use the label slot (for example, you may be labeling the RAD some other way), you can flip over the factory-provided label and insert it.
    • If a RAD contains an XLR tab and you do not need it, you should remove it before attaching the RAD to the wall. You can do so by inserting something with a small tip in the back of the RAD where the XLR tab is connected. Push down on the metal connection and pull the XLR tab away from the RAD. The connectors in the RADs are manufactured by Neutrik. We have found that the pins provided by Neutrik for removal of the XLR tab work much better for this task than paper clips, straight pins, or anything else you might find lying around the office. If you do not have a Neutrik pin available, contact Rane Corporation and we will gladly send one to you.
    • Use the captivated screws on the RAD or DR to attach it to the switchbox. Note that the screws are in slots so that you can adjust the device if need be (for example, to level it inside a switchbox that isn’t level). Also, take note of the four metal circles at the top and bottom of each device—the ones that look like Mickey Mouse ears! You can bend or snap these off and use them for various purposes. For example, if the switchbox is not flush with the wall, you can slightly bend one or more of these circles to make the RAD or DR flush with the wall. Also, using a pair of needle-nose pliers, you can easily snap them off, and use them as washers behind the screws.

    • Attach the Decora plate using the provided hardware.


Installing a RAD or DR in an existing HAL System

There may be times when you need to install a new RAD or DR after a HAL System is already up and running. Because the RADs and DRs are hot-swappable, in other words, you can replace a RAD or DR without having to power down the system, the process is fairly simple. If you are installing a RAD or DR in an existing HAL System, you are likely doing one of three things:

  • Installing a new RAD or DR
  • Replacing a RAD or DR that is not working
  • Replacing a RAD or DR with a different model

In all three situations, the HAL behavior is the same. It automatically detects the new RAD or DR and compares its model number to the model number configured in the HAL or EXP for that port. If the model numbers match, the HAL sends the relevant configuration data as well as any required firmware updates to the RAD or DR. If the model numbers do not match, the HAL or EXP front panel LEDs flash yellow (for RADs—the Enabled LEDs flash yellow, for DRs—its only LED flashes yellow). The mismatch is also indicated on the devices themselves. On the RAD, the Power, Comm, Audio Rx, and Audio Tx LEDs flash red. On the DR, a flashing exclamation mark appears along with the words Configuration Mismatch.

Installing an additional RAD or DR into an existing system:
  1. Follow the same procedure that was outlined in the previous section. You do not need to power down the HAL or EXP before or after installing the RAD or DR.
  2. Update the HAL configuration to reflect the additional RAD or DR. If you were given a new configuration file that includes the additional RAD or DR, you need to load it into the HAL. See Task 2: Configuring HAL for details. If you do not have a configuration file, you need to update the configuration on the live device. Remember to save the new configuration to a file.
Replacing an existing RAD or DR with the same RAD or DR model:
  1. Remove the old RAD/DR by detaching the Decora plate, unscrewing the RAD/DR from the switchbox, and unplugging the shielded CAT 5e cable.
  2. Connect the shielded CAT 5e cable to the replacement RAD or DR.
  3. Verify that the device is functioning correctly (as explained earlier in this section).
  4. Attach the RAD or DR to the switchbox.

note: When replacing a RAD or DR with the same model, HAL automatically sends configuration data to the RAD/DR. You don’t have to do a thing except verify that the RAD/DR is working properly. This makes the process of replacing a RAD or DR as simple as using a screwdriver! Pop the old RAD or DR out, put the new one in, check for green lights or the proper display on the LCD screen, and you’re finished.

Replacing an existing RAD or DR with a different model:
  1. Follow steps 1 through 4 above.
  2. Using Halogen, view the configuration for the HAL. Because you have installed a different RAD or DR model than was there before, you will see a Device Mismatch error for the port on which this RAD or DR is connected. You can either load a new configuration file that contains the new RAD/DR or manually change the configuration of the port to reflect the new model that you just installed.
  3. If you have made changes to the existing configuration, save the configuration to a file (for safekeeping).