You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > Processing Workspace Interface and Dialog Boxes > Links Dialogs > Level Link

User Interface Reference

Level Link Dialog Box

How to Access

There are several ways to access the Level Link dialog box:

  • From the Level control On a Level control that is participating in a link, click its link icon. If it is participating in multiple links, the Link References dialog box opens, displaying all the links in which the control is participating. Click one of the links to open its Level Link properties dialog box. If the control is participating in only one link, the Level Link properties dialog box displays automatically.
  • From the All Links dialog box On the Processing Toolbar, click Linking to open the All Links dialog box. Click the Level tab, and then click one of the links in the list to open its Level Link properties dialog box.

Displays the properties of the Level control link. From this dialog box, you can:

  • rename the link
  • adjust the Level value
  • manually activate or deactivate the link
  • view the list of participants in the link, as well as which participants are active in the link
  • access the individual controls' properties dialog boxes
  • view and/or change the Link Master
  • add controls to the link
  • delete one or more link participants
User Interface Elements

Level Link Properties

UI Element Purpose
Link Name Displays the link name and allows you to edit the name
Active checkbox

Displays the link state. Select to activate the link, deselect to deactivate the link.

Level value

Displays the current Level value and allows you to change it by typing in the value or by adjusting the slider. Also displayed are the minimum and maximum values allowed.

note: If the link includes a read-only control, you cannot change the level from within this dialog box. You can change it from the read-only device or from the dialog box for the read-only control in the Hardware Controls tab. See Testing a Control Link

Master Designates which control serves as the control Link Master. To designate another control as the Link Master, select its radio button.
Participant (Parent-Control) Displays the controls that are participating in the link, providing the name of the device or block as well as the actual control. Click a participant's name to open its properties dialog box.
Link icon Indicates the state of the control in this link. Bright purple indicates the control is active in this link. White indicates the control is not active in this link. A control can be active in only one link at a time. It is always active in the active link that is highest in the control link priority list.
Purple box at bottom Provides a location for adding new Level controls to the link. To add a new Level control, drag and drop its link icon onto this purple box.
Delete icon (X) Removes the selected control from the link. (To select a control, click anywhere on it—except on its hyperlink name or on its Master radio button.)