You are here: Key Audio Design Features > Presets > Preset Tasks > Viewing and Editing Presets

Viewing and Editing Presets

Once you create a preset, it's possible you may need to change some aspect of it in the future. The topics in this section explain how to edit presets, and also how to view the contents of a preset, view a list of all existing presets, and view a list of currently active presets.

Click a topic below to view its contents.

Viewing All Presets and Active Presets

Moving a Preset to a Different Type or Selector Group

Adding a Block to a Preset

Adding a Link to a Preset

Updating a Block in a Preset

Removing a Block from a Preset

Deleting a Preset

Deleting a Selector Group

Viewing the Presets in which a Block is Included

Viewing the Contents of a Preset