You are here: Working in the Halogen Workspace > General Workspace Tasks

General Workspace Tasks

Following are tasks common to both the Hardware and Processing Workspaces:

Working with Halogen Workspace Windows

Halogen is a window-intensive application. Each hardware device in your Hardware Map and each processing block in your Processing Map has a properties dialog box that you will likely open at some point. In addition to these windows, there are a variety of other windows you'll be opening. Unless you have a monitor the size of today's big-screen TVs, or an array of monitors surrounding you, your Halogen screen can get quite busy.

To help alleviate some of this clutter, Halogen will temporarily hide all visible processing windows during operations involving the Hardware or Processing Workspaces. For example, if you drag a new device to the hardware workspace all visible property dialogs will be hidden for the duration of the drag operation. Similarly adding a new processing block to the Processing workspace or creating wires between existing blocks will also temporarily hide all visible property dialogs during the operation.

In addition to the above, Halogen hides all Processing windows when you're viewing the Hardware Workspace, and hides all Hardware windows when you're viewing the Processing Workspace. There may be times, however, when you want to see them all at the same time. The following procedure explains how to manage all of these windows.

To manage your Halogen Workspace windows:

  1. In the Window section of the Application Toolbar, click Manage: Manage Windows Icon
  2. A dropdown list displays four options:

    • Show All Hardware Windows
    • Show All Processing Windows
    • Hide All Windows
    • Close All Windows
  3. Choose the option you want to implement:
  • Choose Show All Hardware Windows if you are viewing the Processing Workspace and want to see the Hardware Workspace windows OR if you previously hid the Hardware Workspace windows and now want to see them.
  • Choose Show All Processing Windows if you are viewing the Hardware Workspace and want to see the Processing Workspace windows OR if you previously hid the Processing Workspace windows and now want to see them.
  • Choose Hide All Windows if you want to hide all windows from both the Hardware and Processing Workspaces.
  • Choose Close All Windows to ... well, close all the open windows.
Configuring Halogen Application Settings

Included on the application toolbar is an option for configuring settings that are global to the entire application. See the Application Settings reference topic for details.