You are here: Key Audio Design Features > Paging > Paging Examples > Large Restaurant with Multiple Zones and PAGER1 Paging Stations

Paging Example

Large Restaurant with Multiple Zones and Pager1 Paging Stations

Example Details

You are designing an audio system for a large restaurant that has the following physical areas: a large covered front porch (where guests can wait for a table), a lobby, a bar (where waiting guests can also gather), a large dining room, a kitchen, a manager's office, and restrooms. The restaurant owners want to include a paging system that has the following requirements:

  • A pager in the lobby that can announce when a party's table is ready. This pager can also page into the manager's office, the kitchen, and can make emergency announcements.
  • A pager in the dining room that can page into the manager's office and into the kitchen, and can make emergency announcements.
  • A pager in the kitchen that can page into the manager's office and can make emergency announcements.
  • A pager in the manager's office that can page into the kitchen, can page all zones, and can make emergency announcements.
Designing the System
  1. The first thing to do is define your paging zones. The paging requirements help you define the appropriate zone boundaries, which are as follows:
  • Front Porch
  • Lobby
  • Bar
  • Dining Room
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Restrooms
  • Emergency (includes all zones)
  1. Next, you decide what paging station hardware to use. Because there are many paging stations, some of which will be paging into the same areas, you decide to use all PAGER1 RADs. By providing a display of areas available to page into as well as the paging status for the different Scenarios, Pager1 RADs make the task of paging very simple for end users.
  2. Finally, you think through the Paging Scenarios that you'll need. A good way to approach Scenario creation is to think in terms of a specific paging station and its paging needs:
    Lobby Paging StationDining Room Paging StationKitchen Paging StationOffice Paging Station
    Front PorchKitchenOfficeKitchen
    LobbyOfficeEmergencyAll Zones
    BarEmergency Emergency
Configuring the System
  1. In the Processing Workspace, add and configure each audio zone. Because you also plan to use a Distributed Program Bus to provide background music, you use Zone Processor blocks to define your audio zones.
  2. Open each Zone Processor block's properties and customize its Zone name (by clicking the name in the green rectangular box and then editing it). This name identifies the paging zone in the Paging Manager. Let's assume the zone names are Front Porch, Lobby, Bar, Kitchen, Dining Room, Office, and Restrooms. You plan to use the default Paging Zone property values (for Program Ducker and Page Gain parameters), so there is no need to open the Paging Zones' properties dialog boxes.
  3. Add Emergency paging capability by inserting Emergency Paging Zone blocks before the output for each audio zone.
  4. Add and configure four PAGER1 RADs. Label them Lobby, Dining Room, Kitchen, and Office (in both the Hardware Workspace and the Processing Workspace).
  5. Open the Paging Manager (by clicking it on the Processing Workspace toolbar) and set up your page routing as follows:
    1. In the Scenarios section, add eight Scenarios (by clicking the + icon eight times).
    2. Name each Scenario (in the Scenario Name edit box at the bottom of the Scenarios section). The Scenarios are: Emergency, Office, Kitchen, All Zones, Front Porch, Lobby, Bar, FP/Lobby/Bar.
    3. Still in the Scenarios section, select a Scenario and then select the Zones to be included in the Scenario, as outlined below:
      • Emergency = Emergency zone
      • Office = Office zone
      • Kitchen = Kitchen zone
      • All Zones = Kitchen zone, Front Porch zone, Lobby zone, Bar zone, Restrooms zone, Dining Room zone (This Scenario is intended for use by the manager to page into all zones. There is no need to include the Office as this is the manager's location.)
      • Front Porch = Front Porch zone
      • Lobby = Lobby zone
      • Bar = Bar zone
      • FP/Lobby/Bar = Front Porch zone, Lobby zone, Bar zone
    4. Now that the Scenarios are defined, move to the Stations section and select which Scenarios each Paging Station can page into. To do so, select a Paging Station and then select the appropriate Scenarios, as outlined in the table in the Design section above.

And that's it! Of course, you need to test the paging configuration, which you can do before you install hardware as well as after the hardware is in place.