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Paging Example

Working with Paging Scenario Priorities

Example Details

You're designing an audio system (that includes paging) for a restaurant. The paging requirements state that both the hostess paging station and the manager's paging station have the ability to page to all zones in the restaurant. The manager's paging station should have a higher priority than the hostess paging station. In other words, the manager should be able to page to all areas even if another page is occurring in one or more zones.

Designing and Configuring the System

To accommodate the above requirement, you need to use the Scenario Priority value. To shorten the example procedure, we'll assume that the paging stations and zones have all been configured.

  1. In the Processing Workspace toolbar, click Paging Manager.
  2. In the Paging Manager Scenarios section, add two Scenarios (by clicking the + icon).
  3. Name each Scenario All Zones. Keep in mind that this name appears on the pager display screen, so you want the name to be as clear and succinct as possible. To help you distinguish between the two identically-named Scenarios, you can refer to each one's unique numeric identifier (which you can configure).
  4. For each All Zones Scenario, select the zones (in the Zones section) to include. Most likely you would select all zones (except the Emergency zone, of course)!
  5. Back in the Scenarios section, decide which All Zones Scenario is intended for the manager. Assign that Scenario a high priority (the lower the number, the higher the priority) and add it to the manager's paging station.
  6. Assign the other All Zones Scenario a lower priority (a higher number) and add it to the hostess paging station.