You are here: Key Audio Design Features > Paging > Paging Tasks > Creating and Working with Paging Scenarios

Creating and Working with Paging Scenarios

You create Paging Scenarios and populate them with one or more Paging Zones, giving you a vehicle for creating various combinations of Paging Zones to page into. You always page into Scenarios, never into individual Zones (although a Scenario may contain an individual Paging Zone). The procedures outlined below explain how to create, customize, and edit Paging Scenarios. For more details on Paging Scenarios and how they fit in with the rest of the paging system, see About Paging.

tip: If possible, create all of your Paging Zones before creating your Scenarios. You can add and delete Zones from Scenarios at any time, but it is easier to create a comprehensive paging system if all of your Zones are available in the Paging Manager when you begin creation of your Scenarios. You may also want to create all of your Paging Stations before creating Scenarios, as thinking in terms of a Paging Station can help you define what your Scenarios should be.

To create a Paging Scenario
  1. In the Processing Workspace toolbar, click Paging Manager. The Paging Manager displays and, if you have created your Paging Zones and Paging Stations, is populated with these items.
  2. At the bottom of the Scenarios section, click the + icon to add a Scenario.
  3. In the Zones section, select the Paging Zones to include in the Scenario (by selecting or deselecting their checkboxes).
  4. Customize the Scenario name. This is the name that appears to end users in the list of Scenarios on the Pager1 display. To customize the name, type the new name in the edit box at the bottom of the Scenarios section.
  5. Set the Scenario's Priority by adjusting its number at the bottom of the Scenarios section. This value determines how paging conflicts are handled by the system. The lower the number, the higher the priority. For more details on Scenario priorities, click here.
  6. Optionally, customize the Scenario's Number parameter, which is a unique numeric identifier for the Scenario assigned by Halogen. For more details on when you may want to use this parameter, click here.

After creating Paging Scenarios, you can then assign them to Paging Stations.

To edit a Paging Scenario
  1. In the Processing Workspace toolbar, click Paging Manager.
  2. In the Scenarios section, select (highlight) the Scenario you want to edit by clicking anywhere on its line except its checkbox.
  3. In the Zones section, select or deselect Paging Zones that you want to add to or remove from the Scenario.
  4. Edit any other Scenario parameters (its Name, Priority, Number).
To delete a Paging Scenario
  1. In the Processing Workspace toolbar, click Paging Manager.
  2. In the Scenarios section, select the Scenario you want to delete.
  3. At the bottom of the Scenarios section, click the red X.