You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > Processing Workspace Interface and Dialog Boxes > Control Systems > Device Setup

User Interface Reference

Device Setup

How to Access

This is a component of the DR6 Viewer dialog. To access the DR6 Viewer, see DR6 Viewer Dialog Box

The Device Setup area appears in the bottom-left side of the dialog: Device Setup Area


The device setup area of the DR6 Viewer dialog provides configuration settings for:

  • Automatic user logout
  • Automatic page navigation

In addition, this area provides buttons to open the Control Page Designer and the Configure Page Access dialogs.

User Interface Elements

Device Setup

UI Element Purpose

Enable Auto-Logout checkbox

Timeout textbox

Enables or disables the auto-logout feature for the DR6 device.

When unchecked the current user remains logged in to the DR6 device until another user logs in or the current user logs out by pressing a Logout button on the device.

When checked, the DR6 automatically logs the current user out of the device after it has been idle (i.e. the screen is not touched) for the timeout period. To log the user out, the DR6 changes the current user to Unsecured.

note: Auto-Logout is not implemented in the DR6 Simulator.

Enable Auto-Navigation checkbox

Auto-Navigation type selector

Enables or disables the auto-navigation feature for the DR6 device.

When unchecked the DR6 does not provide automatic navigation buttons in the screen.

When checked, the device automatically generates page navigation buttons in one of two selectable forms: Single-Button or Tabs.

Auto-Navigation Type Description
Single Button

The DR6 screen shows a single button in the lower right corner of all pages:Single Button Auto-Navigation Pressing this button opens a popup window that shows a set of buttons, one for each page that the current user has access to on the DR6. For example, in the DR6 simulator the popup appears like this: Single Auto-Navigation button popup

Pressing a page button in the popup causes the DR6 to navigate and display the associated control page.

Tabs The DR6 screen shows a navigation tab panel along the right edge of each page:Tabs Auto-Navigation

The panel contains one tab for each control page that the current user has access to on the device. Pressing a tab button causes the DR6 to navigate and display the associated control page.

Show Login/Logout checkbox

Enables the Login/Logout button in the Auto-Navigation Single-Button popup window or in the Navigation Tab panel, depending on the selected auto-navigation type:Login/Logout Button

Pressing this button opens a popup window that allows the current DR6 user to enter a new Access Code (to login another user) or to logout of the DR6 device.

Page Access button Opens the Configure Page Access dialog box. For more information, see Configure Page Access Dialog Box
Page Designer button Opens the Control Page Designer dialog box, and selects the current DR6 Viewer page. For more information see Control Page Designer Dialog Box