You are here: Key Audio Design Features > Control Pages > Control Pages Tasks > Add Other Elements to the Control Pages

Add Other Elements to the Control Pages

The Elements palette in the Control Page Designer contains other items that you can use to convey more information to your end users or to improve the usability and appearance of your control pages. For other ways to improve the appearance of your control pages, see Adjust Elements to Refine the Layout.

To add an element, first switch to the Elements tab in the palette area by clicking on its name:


You can add image files from your PC to the palette by clicking on the plus icon next to the Images label in the Elements palette. Once in the palette, you can add an image to the currently selected control page by clicking on the image name in the palette, dragging it to the page layout area, and dropping it in the position that you want the image to appear:

Workspace Labels

Use these to add additional information to your page or to help structure the page layout to make the most sense to the user.

Add a workspace label to the currently selected control page by clicking on the Workspace Label item in the Elements palette, dragging it to the page layout area, and dropping it in the position that you want the workspace label to appear:

Once you’ve added a workspace label to a page, change its text by double-clicking on the workspace label element in the page layout area and modifying the Text: edit box in the property dialog that appears:

Horizontal and Vertical Separators

These allow you to add visual separation elements to your control page, which can help group elements together that serve a common purpose. For example, use separators to group controls for an input together:

Add a separator to the currently selected control page by clicking on a separator item in the Elements palette, dragging it to the page layout area, and dropping it in the position that you want the separator to appear.