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Control Link Example

Level Control Link

Level controls, which are generally associated with volume, have a continuous series of states that are represented by a slider. The slider typically represents a relative position within a defined range (for example, a percentage value between a configurable minimum and maximum gain value). Several HAL processing blocks contain level controls that you can include in a level control link. The most commonly used are the Level processing block and the RAD and analog input and output blocks. The Level controls on these blocks are typically connected to DR Level controls (found in the Control palette).
Example Scenario

You are designing the audio system for a restaurant. The restaurant owners plan to play background music in the dining room. They want to provide the restaurant staff with remote volume control — one control at the hostess station and one control located elsewhere in the dining room.

Creating the Link

Hardware Controls

You would likely choose a DR1 as the remote volume control device (unless you also want to provide the user with a selection of background music channels, in which case you would probably choose a DR3 — but let's not get sidetracked. This is a Level control example!) You'll need two DR1 devices — one at the hostess station and one in a different location in the dining room.

Halogen Configuration — Hardware Workspace

  • Add two DR1 devices to the Hardware Map. Configure as appropriate, although there is little configuration needed for a DR1 device. You can customize its name and manipulate its backlight settings.

Halogen Configuration — Processing Workspace

  1. In the Processing Map, locate the processing block that contains the Level control to which you want to link the remote devices. Open the processing block's properties dialog box.
  2. In the Control palette, locate the relevant DR Level controls.
  3. Drag the link icon for each DR Level control onto the Level link icon in the block's properties dialog box:
Testing the Link
  1. In the Processing Workspace, open the properties dialog boxes for each control participating in the link:
    • In the Control palette, click the Level control name (it is a hyperlink) for each participating DR1.
    • In the Processing Map, double-click the processing block that contains the participating Level control.
  2. Adjust one of the Level controls and verify that all the other controls track the change.