You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > Hardware Workspace Interface and Dialog Boxes > Device Properties Dialog Boxes > RADs

User Interface Reference

Remote Audio Device (RAD) Properties Dialog Box

How to Access
  • After adding a RAD to the Hardware Map, double-click the RAD or hover over it and click the properties icon that appears: RAD Properties Icon

Configure properties specific to this RAD device. These properties are relevant to hardware functionality only. You configure processing-oriented properties in the Processing Workspace.

User Interface Elements

Below are images of the properties dialog boxes of several different RADs (RAD2, RAD4, RAD26, AM2, PAGER1). Although there is some variance from RAD to RAD, most RADs have similar configurable properties. The table below lists all the RAD properties you may encounter and provides a definition of each.

RAD2 Properties RAD4 Properties AM2 Properties PAGER1 Properties RAD24 Properties

note: When connected to a HAL, the properties also include a status bar below the RAD name as well as a Locate button and a device serial number. The RAD27 properties dialog above shows these fields.

UI Element Purpose
Title Bar Name Area at the top of the properties dialog box that displays the RAD's Device Name as well as the HAL/EXP device model, the HAL/EXP port to which the RAD is connected, and the RAD model: RAD Properties Title Bar
Device Name

A customizable name for identification purposes when working within Halogen. This name does not appear on the RAD itself. Edit the name in the text field provided.

note: You can also edit the RAD's name by clicking the name in the port bar above the RAD in the Hardware Map and typing a custom name in the edit box that appears.


(only when connected to HAL)

Allows you to enable the locate state for the RAD. When in locate state, the indicator LEDs on the front of the RAD blink green to help you locate the device in your system.

note: You can also enable locate by clicking on the locate indicator on the RAD in the hardware workspace.

Status indicator/drop down

(only when connected to HAL)

Displays the overall status of the RAD. For more details about the RAD status, click the drop down arrow to expand the status panel.

LED Settings

Adjust the Intensity level for the LEDs on the physical RAD device. Options are 1 through 5, with 1 being the lowest intensity (dimmest light) and 5 being the highest or brightest. The default value is 3. Each RAD model that supports adjustable LED intensity also contains a light sensor that causes the LEDs to dim when the light in the room darkens.

If you select the Allow LEDs to turn off checkbox, the LEDs will turn completely off in a very dark room, otherwise they simply remain very dim.

note: The models that do not support variable LED intensity are RAD17, RAD16z, AM1, AM2, and PAGER1.

Backlight Settings (PAGER1 only)

A PAGER1 (and all the DRs) have a backlight that lights up the display on the device. These settings determine how the backlight functions. The Minimum and Maximum settings determine the backlight's light intensity—on a scale from 0 (Off) to 10 (High). When the DR first powers on or is adjusted by an end user, its backlight goes to the Maximum light intensity. After the specified Timeout period has passed, the backlight returns to the Minimum light intensity.

Timeout is measured in seconds, from 0 to 1000000. Its default value is 15 seconds.

Amplifier Output Configuration(RAD26 only) The RAD26 amplifier can be configured in either Dual Mode or Single Mode. Dual mode configures the amplifier as two independent channels with 4 Watts of available power each. Single mode configures the amplifier with a single channel of 8 Watts.
Output Power Tap (Discontinued RAD24 only) Adjust the maximum available power output from the RAD's amplifier; Watts into an 8 Ohm load. Options are 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16. The default value is the maximum power tap, 1 W.
Channel Area Displays the channels available on the RAD. A green square indicates an input channel. An orange square indicates an output channel. A small icon and text indicate the type of channel (Mic, Line, AES3). The channel name appears in a text box that is editable.
Serial Number

(only when connected to HAL)

Displays the serial number of the connected RAD.