You are here: Reference for Processing Blocks and Controls > DSP Processing Blocks > Miscellaneous > Meter

Block Reference



Use the Meter Block to monitor the peak and rms levels of an audio signal. The Meter Block contains a single meter that displays the rms, instantaneous peak, and peak-hold values of the input signal.

How to Use

The Meter Block is useful for matching audio channel levels and analyzing/troubleshooting signal flow through the processing map.

Adding the Block to Your System
  1. Click the Processing tab to open the Processing Workspace.
  2. In the palette area, click the DSP tab.
  3. Expand the Misc: level, delay, meter... category of blocks.
  4. Click and drag the Meter block into your Processing Map.
  5. Wire the appropriate output to the Meter block's Input node.
  6. (Optional) Customize the names of the block and the input node by clicking their current name and then typing the custom name in the text box that appears. Click the X to save the name.
Configuring the Block
  • Open the Meter block's properties by double-clicking the block or hovering and clicking the properties icon that appears in the upper right of the block's title bar. The Meter Block contains a single meter that displays both the rms and peak values of the input signal.
    • The rms value is represented by a bar that grows and shrinks as the rms level increases and decreases.
    • The instantaneous peak value is represented by a yellow line that floats above the rms value.
    • The white peak-hold lines in all Meter Blocks are held from 20 milliseconds to 2 seconds (or infinity) as specified in the Configuration Settings window.
    • The meter is labeled in both dBFS on the left side and dBr (re -20 dBFS) on the right side. Typically, a nominal rms signal level of -20 dBFS is preferred, which is why the 0 dBr point on Halogen meters is set to -20 dBFS. Running a nominal rms level of -20 dBFS on all signals matches their relative levels and allows for the 12 dB crest factor of speech and the potential 12-20 dB crest factor of musical instruments.
    • Meters are enabled only when connected to a HAL.

    note: A maximum of 16 live meters can be active at a time. If more than 16 meters are visible in the Processing Map, Halogen deactivates the oldest meter, causing it to appear frozen and slightly grayed out. To reactivate the meter, click the meter window. This action places the meter at the top of the active meter list.


User Interface Elements
Meter Block

Meter Block

UI Element Purpose
Input node Connection point for wiring the input to the Meter block


Meter Block Properties

Meter Block Properties

See Configuring the Block for details on the Meter block properties.