You are here: Understanding the HAL System > Hardware Components > HAL Devices > Overview of HAL Devices

Overview of HAL Devices

The HAL host device (which is referred to as HAL throughout this help system) is the brain that controls the entire HAL System. It can connect to a variety of other hardware (or slave devices) such as analog equipment, Remote Audio Devices (RADs), Digital Remotes (DRs), and Expansion Units (EXPs). Inside the HAL hardware is a DSP audio processing engine and a host controller that controls DSP operations and manages control links, presets, and more. There is only one HAL device per system. You cannot connect one HAL to another.

note for drag net users: The DSP processing engine in the HAL1 device is four times more powerful than the RPM88, the HAL2 has twice the power as the RPM88, and the HAL3, HAL3s, and HAL4 have the same amount of DSP processing power as the RPM88.

Other Functionality

In addition to hosting other hardware devices and managing system operations, HAL also does the following:

  • Provides power to connected RADs, and DRs
  • Stores configuration settings and compatible firmware for itself and for each connected RAD, DR, and EXP
  • Provides a connection to an Ethernet network (for control of HAL and the connected devices)
  • Displays various status indicators (LEDs) providing information about the health of the system