This system provides background music and paging for eight zones with these requirements:
This can be accomplished with:
In a meeting room with ten microphones, one audio source (e.g., blu-ray) and a laptop on the podium, all these channels can connect directly to one EXP5x. A single DR3 in the room can select the audio source (blu-ray or laptop) and adjust the room volume. Or, the DR3 can be programmed as a mixer allowing independent level adjustment of all 12 sources in the room: 10 mics, blu-ray and laptop. If the podium location moves from the north to the east wall, duplicate remotes can provide multiple control locations. Use a preset recalled from a switch closure, DR2 remote or 3rd-party Ethernet control system to “spin” the room or disable any DR remote in a room.
The EXP5x is perfectly suited to expand a HAL1x’s analog audio inputs, and control is expanded with four more DR ports. Each of the 12 inputs can independently accept mic, line, or Line-Plus audio — the ultimate in flexible input topologies. Also worth noting is the performance enhancement achieved since the mic input topologies automatically compensate for the sensitivity difference between condenser and dynamic mics.
There are equipment placement options. If the HAL1x lives in the equipment room, the EXP5x can live in the podium along with the blu-ray, and a single CAT 5 returns to the HAL1x. This greatly reduces cabling, as it gets all the Room A mics on one CAT 5 cable. However, if you are upgrading an existing facility, the EXP5x connects at the end of the existing analog conduit feeds in one or more equipment rooms.
If you had 12 such meeting rooms, use 12 daisy-chained EXP5x Expanders and a single HAL1x. There are plenty of spare DR ports available for adding control locations, so the same 10-seat mic tables could be duplicated in all of the rooms. The RAD ports on the HAL1x support the addition of 8-channel AM2 Automixers, which could be portable. AM mixers can be added to larger rooms - even during a meeting - to add 8 more gain-shared mixed mics to the 10 in any given room. Review the cascading feature of the Gain-sharing Auto Mixer or the Room Combine Processing blocks within Halogen for details.
There is no downloadable configuration file for this example.