You are here: Reference for User Interface Elements > General Application User Interface and Dialog Boxes > Save Log Files

Save Log Files

How to Access
  1. Click the Help drop down button to view available help options.
  2. In the Help Drop down list, click Save Log Files.

Opens a dialog box from which you can save the Halogen log files to a zip file. The default location for this zip file is the windows desktop. These log files contain diagnostic information that can be helpful for Rane engineers in troubleshooting or diagnosing problems. When contacting Rane Corporation about software or hardware issues it would be helpful to save these log files and have them available to send to Rane.

User Interface Elements

UI Element Purpose
Name and Location

An editable field that displays the path and file name for the zip file to be generated. The default location is the windows desktop.

Browse Click to open a browse window for selecting/typing the path and file name for the zip file.
Save Click to create the zip file containing all Halogen log files.
Cancel Click to close the dialog without creating the zip file.