You are here: Reference for Processing Blocks and Controls > Hardware Controls > Individual Control Dialog Boxes > Relay Out Controls

Block Reference

Relay Out Controls

How to Access
  1. Click the Processing tab to open the Processing Workspace.
  2. On the Processing Palette, click the Control tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to the Relay Out category, to expand the list and show the individual Relay Out controls.
  4. Click the control name, which is a hyperlink, to open its properties.

Provides a central location for:

  • linking the Relay Out control(s) with one or more other control(s) in the system
  • changing which item is selected (Selector control only)
  • customizing the name (displayed in the software) of each item in the selection list (Selector control only)
  • changing the Toggle state (Toggle control only)
User Interface Elements
Toggle Control

Relay Out Toggle Properties

UI Element Purpose

Reflects the current state of the Toggle control—on (checkbox is selected) or off (checkbox is not selected), which you can control from within the software.

note: Relay Out ports default to the Toggle mode. You can, however, change the mode configuration.

From this properties dialog box, you can link the control to a Toggle control on the Processing Map (for example, a Mute control). To do so, click, drag, and drop the Relay Out Toggle link icon onto the link icon of the Toggle control on the Processing Map.

Selector Control

Relay Out Selector Control Properties

UI Element Purpose

Displays the two selections available on the control (On/Off).

note: Relay Out ports default to the Toggle mode. To use the Selector control, you must change the mode configuration of the port.

From this properties dialog box, you can link the control to a Selector control on the Processing Map (with only two selections on it). To do so, click, drag, and drop the Relay Out Selector link icon onto the link icon of the Selector control on the Processing Map.

Provide custom names for each selection by clicking the edit icon and then typing in the edit box that appears. This name is visible in the software only.