You are here: Using External Control Systems with HAL > Integrating Stardraw Control Systems > Troubleshooting


  1. If the Stardraw application cannot connect to the Halogen Control Server:

    • Make sure Halogen is running and you have opened the sample configuration (ControlSystemSample.hal)
    • Look at the Stardraw control authoring application’s Debug window. This window automatically appears when you run the Stardraw application. The debug information will help you learn why it can’t connect to Halogen.
    • If Halogen and Stardraw are running in the same PC, make sure the IP address configured for the HAL1 in the Stardraw application is the local loopback address and the port is 4996.
    • If Halogen and Stardraw are running on different PCs:
      • Make sure both PCs are on the same network and have compatible IP addresses.
      • Make sure the IP address configured for the HAL1 in the Stardraw application is the IP address of the PC running Halogen and that the port is 4996.
      • Ensure that the firewalls on both PC’s allow TCP/IP communication on port 4996.
  2. If the Stardraw application connects to the Halogen Control Server but the controls do not operate as expected:

    • Make sure you have opened the example configuration in Halogen (ControlSystemSample.hal)
  3. If Stardraw can’t connect to the HAL Control Server:

    • Make sure the PC running Stardraw and Halogen are on the same network as the HAL1.
    • Ensure that the PC and HAL1x have compatible IP addresses.
    • Use a static IP on HAL1x and make sure it doesn’t conflict with any other IP address on the network, including those automatically assigned by a DHCP server.
    • Check the IP address configured in Stardraw application HAL1 properties. Make sure it is the HAL1x’s IP address and the port is 4996.
    • Ensure that the firewall on the PC allows TCP/IP communication on port 4996.
    • Look at the Stardraw control authoring application’s Debug window. This window automatically appears when you run the Stardraw application. The debug information will help you learn why it can’t connect to Halogen.
  4. If the Stardraw application connects to HAL1x but the controls do not operate as expected:

    • Make sure you have applied the configuration to the HAL1x (ControlSystemSample.hal). You can also do this by connecting to your HAL1x then loading the example configuration.
    • Use a telnet client to monitor and exercise the external control messages. See Appendix B: Using PuTTY to Test External Control Systems.