You are here: Understanding the HAL System > Hardware Components > Remote Audio Devices > AM1/AM2
Power Fault, Locate, USB, and Power LEDs USB Data connector Cascade In port Cascade Out/RAD Port Main Output XLR connector 3-position switches Mic Input 8 3-position switches 3-position switches 3-position switches Mic Input 7 Mic Input 6 Mic Input 5 Mic Input 4 Mic Input 3 Mic Input 2 Mic Input 1 Mic Input Level Output Level Cascade In and RAD Port LEDs Locate and Power LEDs AC Power IEC Fault, Locate, USB, and Power LEDs USB Audio connector Cascade In port RAD port Cascade In and RAD Port status indicators Main Output XLR connector and Mic/Line Output switch Record Output RCA jacks USB Charge-Only port Aux Input 2 stereo 3.5 mm jack Mic Input 4 Mic Input 3 Mic Input 2 Mic Input 1 3-position swtich 3-position switch 3-position swtich 3-position switch Aux Input 1 dual RCA jacks Mic Input Level controls Mic Mix Level control Aux 1 and Aux 2 Mix Level controls USB Mix Level Control Output Level control Phones Source cue switch Phones Level control Phones jacks Locate and Power LEDs

AM1 and AM2 RADs

Does the following situation sound familiar? You need to set up audio for a presentation featuring a panel of speakers. The meeting will take place in a room that contains only a few microphone inputs and no line inputs. You rent additional equipment to support the audio needs of the presentation. The equipment arrives as planned but with an inexperienced operator who struggles to set up the equipment correctly. Problems with feedback, mix, and volume abound throughout the presentation, frustrating the presenters and their audience.

There are many ways to solve this problem, one of which is to outfit the room with the maximum number of microphone and line inputs that will ever be needed—but that would be overkill, don't you think, and rather expensive! Those dollars can be spent more effectively elsewhere. The better solution is to use a single, plug-and-play device designed specifically for this situation—a device that can roam from room to room whenever additional microphone and/or line inputs are needed. Another benefit is the speed of the automixing algorithm used by these devices—light years faster than an inexperienced sound technician!

Rane offers two RADs that solve this problem:

Click below for more details on each of these RADs:


The AM1, a four-mic automixer with line and USB audio inputs, has the following features:

  • Automixer with four gain-sharing XLR line/mic/phantom switchable Inputs, RCA and 3.5 mm Aux Line Inputs, and a USB audio Input.
  • USB audio Output, XLR mic/line switchable Mix Output, RCA Record Output; Cue the mic mix or any input with the Headphone amplifier.
  • Add more gain-sharing mic/line inputs with up to seven Rane AM2 Automixers; RAD port connects to any RAD port in the HAL System.
Front panel of AM1

For details on the various elements of the AM1 front panel, click on the element in the graphic below:

Rear panel of AM1

For details on the various elements of the AM1 rear panel, click on the element in the graphic below:


The AM2, and eight-mic cascadable automixer, has the following features:

  • Automixer with eight gain-sharing XLR line/mic/phantom switchable Inputs; XLR mic/line switchable Mix Output.
  • Add more gain-sharing mic/line inputs with up to seven more AM2 Automixers (total 64 mics); RAD port connects to any RAD port in the HAL System.
Front panel of AM2

For details on the various elements of the AM2 front panel, click on the element in the graphic below:

Rear panel of AM2

For details on the various elements of the AM2 rear panel, click on the element in the graphic below: